Sustainability and environmental policy

Sustainable Development Goals

By placing environmental aspects in the focus of all our business activities, we at Blend+ have made sustainability an indispensable part of our corporate life. Our goal is to understand and evaluate all impact on the environment that may from the operations conducted by Blend+, to minimize this impact by means of targeted measures and to continuously monitor how effective these measures are in achieving their goals. In this way, we make an active contribution to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) defined by the UN.


To this end, we commit ourselves to vigorously pursuing the following objectives:

  • Avoid, or reduce as much as absolutely possible, the pollution of water, land and air that may result from the activities and facilities of Blend+
  • Make a contribution to climate protection by committing ourselves to the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions
  • Use resources efficiently and minimize waste
  • Comply with all applicable local, national and international environmental regulations
  • Ensure that the workplaces of our employees are always in compliance with the latest safety and health standards
  • Conserve biodiversity and our cultural heritage

With this Guideline, Blend+ commits to:

  • Assessing the relevance of environmental aspects for our facilities, equipment and operations. Based on our assessment metrics, we can derive viable targets that we communicate to our stakeholders on a regular basis
  • Achieving climate neutrality of our operations (“no net emissions”) by the consistent reduction of emissions and the use of innovative technologies as a measure to compensate for emissions
  • Providing the resources necessary to be able to achieve our environmental and sustainability targets

To implement this Guideline, we have identified the areas listed below as key areas of focus to ensure ecological sustainability.

Facility Management

We maintain a constant exchange of information and ideas with the operator of the industrial park. We jointly plan measures that frequently go beyond our own operations to reduce the use of energy and water. Already today, our production lines use 100 percent energy from renewable sources. The startup of our 150 kWp solar system at the end of 2024 has made our power supply situation even more robust.

We have a waste avoidance program supported by a scheme of consistent waste separation in place, both in the production area and the office buildings.

Energy-saving technologies

When and wherever possible, we use energy-efficient technologies to reduce energy consumption. We continuously optimize our production processes to reduce energy use during operation while always guaranteeing the excellent quality of our products.

Logistics and travelling

Blend+ strives to reduce the use of fossil fuels by constantly increasing the share of electric vehicles in our pool of company cars. For the transport of raw materials, packaging material and our finished goods within the industrial park, we exclusively use electric forklifts.

A major portion of the scope 3 carbon emissions arising in connection with our business activity is accounted for by the ship and road transport of raw and packaging materials and finished products. We limit emissions by optimizing the supply chains – with a view to both our suppliers and customers – by arranging for full truck loads and by far-sighted planning.


In 2023, we introduced a system to assess the sustainability performance of our material suppliers and service providers. In our sourcing activities, we will base our decision-making increasingly on sustainability criteria.

Information technology

The information technology used by Blend+ makes it possible to have largely paperless administration processes. To a growing degree, we hold our internal and external meetings in purely digital or hybrid form. The recording and evaluation of our production and process data provides us highly valuable insights into our processes that we use to reduce energy consumption and, at the same time, further enhance our productivity and material efficiency.

Human resources, awareness and commitment

We actively take measures to enhance the awareness of our environmental guidelines among our employees, business partners and stakeholders. To this end, we organize dedicated training sessions with our employees, ensuring that they have a deep understanding of our environmental policy. Additionally, we transparently and regularly communicate and report our target-versus-achievements, both internally and externally.

Climate protection

© 2025 Blend + GmbH. All rights reserved.
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